Suspicious Packages
In October 2001, anthrax attacks were made through the mail. Since then, the United States Post Office and other government agencies have provided information to the public regarding suspicious packages. You can help prevent and deter terrorism by learning to recognize suspicious packages and handle them properly.
Recognizing Suspicious Packages
Look for the following characteristics when evaluating a package.
Inappropriate or unusual labeling:
Excessive postage
- Handwritten or poorly typed addresses
- Misspellings of common words
- Strange return address or no return address
- Incorrect titles or a title without a name
- Not addressed to a specific person
- Marked with restrictions, such as Personal, Confidential or Do Not X-Ray
- Marked with any threatening language
- Postmarked from a city or state that does not match the return address
- Powdery substance felt through or appearing on the package or envelope
- Oily stains, discolorations or odor
- Lopsided or uneven envelope
- Excessive packaging materials such as masking tape, string, etc.
Other suspicious signs:
- Excessive weight
- Ticking sound
- Protruding wires or aluminum foil
Handling Suspicious Packages
If you receive a suspicious package:
- Do not panic!
- Place the item in a plastic bag or containment system and seal it.
- Stay in your office or immediate work area. Make sure your coworkers do the same.
- Prevent others from entering the area.
- Call for help and identify the following:
- Exact location of the incident
- Number of people potentially exposed
- Description of package/device
- Actions taken
- Keep your hands away from your face
- If possible without leaving your work area, wash your hands
- Wait for help to arrive
If you have already opened a package that may contain hazardous materials:
- Do not panic!
- Do not disturb the item any further
- If any material has spilled, do not attempt to clean it up
- Do not cover the material up.
- Stay in your office or immediate work area. Make sure your coworkers do the same.
- Prevent others from entering the area.
- Call the appropriate authority for help and identify the following:
- Exact location of the incident
- Number of people potentially exposed
- Description of package/device
- Description of the material, if any, that has spilled
- Actions taken
- Whether there is a ventilation system servicing the area
- Keep your hands away from your face
- If possible without leaving your work area, wash your hands
- Turn off any fans or air circulation equipment in the area
- Wait for help to arrive
For more information about suspicious packages or security in business mail centers, visit the United States Postal Service publications page.
Funded by the Regional Homeland Security Coordinating Committee of the Mid-America
Regional Council
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